About BID Leicester


The Leicester Business Improvement District was established after 85% of businesses voted ‘yes’ to the development of a BID in the city in a ballot in November 2017.  In the second city ballot in 2022 a total of 89% majority of ‘yes’ votes were received, resulting in a second BID term, which began in February 2023 and will run until 2028. 

Find out more about BID Leicester’s current projects.


What are the aims of BID Leicester?

Representing 686 businesses and organisations, BID Leicester is focused on delivering the following priorities to transform Leicester city centre:

  • A cleaner, greener, safer and more attractive environment
  • Raising Leicester’s profile through high quality marketing, campaigns and events
  • Creating a stronger business voice within Leicester 

Click here to read the 2023-28 business plan, which was written in consultation with 353 businesses.

BID Leicester will be funded by a 1.25% levy on business rate payers in the city centre BID area, with a rateable value over £20,000. Discounts are available for businesses based in shopping centres and non-trading charities.

BID Leicester will operate for a second 5-year term until January 2028, when a ballot will take place to determine whether a further term is agreed.

What is the boundary of the BID Leicester area?

The map below shows the BID Leicester area – all businesses and organisations within the area pay the BID Leicester levy. 

How much do I have to pay and how often?

Every business with a rateable value over £20,000 will receive an annual invoice from BID Leicester for their BID levy. The table below illustrates what businesses can except to invest.

Rateable ValueAnnual InvestmentWeekly Investment

Payments would be made annually.

What benefits does the BID provide to its businesses?

We run several projects and initiatives to help businesses attract customers and make Leicester city centre a more attractive place – look at the current projects our members are benefitting from.

We also sponsor and support events to help attract footfall to the BID area and raise the profile of the city – our events schedule sets out these along with other events in the city that businesses can benefit from.

Background to Business Improvement Districts

If you want a bit more information on how Business Improvement Districts are developed, see our pages: What is a BID? and our handy BID development FAQ

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